About Us
Hebron Pentecostal Church (Malayalam Service)
Hebron Pentecostal Church, Exeter is a local congregation of the IPC UK Region. It is a congregation of born again, baptized, and spirit-filled children of God from different walks of life. We are a family of Christian believers from the Indian State of Kerala worshiping in our native Malayalam language.

Church Services
Our Sunday and weekly prayer services are geared to worshippers of all ages. Coming together as a community strengthens and guides us in our daily life. For those who wish to join us, our congregation is always waiting with open hearts.
Sunday School
09:30am - 10:30am
We have an active Sunday School to strengthen and prepare our youth for tomorrow. Our lessons are tailored to the IPC Sunday School curriculum.
Sunday Service
10:30am - 12:30pm
Our church service follows strict Pentecostal norms and worships our Christ in truth and spirit.
Cottage Prayer Meeting
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Our Cottage Meetings are held in different homes every week.

Alternating sunday
IPC HEBRON Dawlish Outstation
Hope Church Centre
Swift Road, Dawlish